3.2 Pick option , it issues dialog box " Panel Material ". 3.3 Pick option to set the same material to the all of the part of theselected panel. 3.4 Setting show as figure, clear Texure check box(see Label1) and set new color(see Label2).
3.5 If setting is ok, press Enter key or right mouse button to main options of Panel property, and the press Enter key or right mouse button again to exit this function.
To change the other two panels, please refer to Step3.
If material setting is ok, run Rhino function Document Properties, setting shows as following, clear Render curves and Render surface edges and isocurves check box.
Select eyelet buckle in the screen and run Rhino function Object Properties, the setting shows as following dialog box.
Select sole in the screen to set material, the setting shows as following dialog box.