Run Rhino function Open
(in the Rhino toolbar on the top of viewports), and open example 02_IE3D_ManShoe_Active.3dm.
Run ImagineElf3D function Open
(in the ImagineElf3D toolbar) to enter into ImagineElf3D design environment.
Run ImagineElf3D function Bmp Import
Issuing the Import Bmp dialog
4.1 Define name of importing bitmap.
4.2 Open picture from folder.
4.3 Define picture size.
4.4 Choose plane to put picture.
4.5 Press OK button to close dialog.
Enter Bmp Adjust function automatically.
According to the prompt "Select Bmp. Press Esc when exit¡¨ to select Bmp objcet in the viewport.
In the prompt "Adjust Bmp. Press Esc when exit" , it can adjust picture position and size by the option Move, Rotate, Scale and Mirror.
After pressing Esc to exit, that issues message box "Set Viewport is Shading display". If it presses OK
botton, it changes to Shaded mode in the viewport and the picture disappeared. Only the Rendered mode in the viewport can see the picture maps on the plane surface.
Also you can use ImagineElf3D function Bmp Adjust
.to adjust picture position or size.