Run Rhino function Open(in the Rhino toolbar on the top of viewports), and open example 12_IE3D_ManShoe_Lace.3dm.
Run ImagineElf3D function Open(in the ImagineElf3D toolbar) to enter into ImagineElf3D design environment.
Select bottom suface in the Perspective wiewport
ImagineElf3D ManShoe-Sole
3.1 Move mouse to Rhino function Hide objects and hold down Left mouse button for several seconds to pop up , run to only show bottom surface of 3d last and the other objects hide.
Move mouse to Rhino function Project to surface and hold down Left mouse button for several seconds to pop up , run, according to prompt select surface to create a curve that duplicates a surface edge in the Persepective view
The yellow curve in the screen is duplicate edge, run Rhino option Rebuild in Rhino menu > Edit to regenerate a curve by new degree and new the number of control point.
Run ImagineElf3D function Offsetcurve in ImagineElf3D menu > Utility to variedly offset the curve that duplicates from surface edge. 6.1 According to prompt, select the curve to offset. 6.2 Pick option OnPlane and set value is 4 , and then defining the positions on the curve in the screen. 6.3 Pick option OnPlane and set value is 2 , and then defining the positions on the curve in the screen. 6.4 Pick point , Offset value sets to be 2 , Deep value doesn't change , and then pressing Enter key, the curve offset as following figure. 6.5 Option Copy sets to be yes , and press Enter key to exit this function.