Run Rhino function Open(in the Rhino toolbar on the top of viewports), and open example 08_IE3D_ManShoe_PanelTexture.3dm.
Run ImagineElf3D function Open(in the ImagineElf3D toolbar) to enter into ImagineElf3D design environment.
Run ImagineElf3D function Stitch new 3.1 Selec panel(Eyelet) to add stitch in the Perspective viewport. 3.2 Pick option , set At=Border, and press Esc key to next step.
ImagineElf3D ManShoe-Stitch
3.3 Pick option , it issues dialog box " Stitch Default List " which has common parameters about stitch setting, it select Type0 in combo box to quickly reference, explanation as following. 3.4 Pick option to sitchs color. 3.5 Set distance form to border = 1 and option IsBorderAll=yes, the all of boreders of the panel will move 1mm in inner as the fig. white line and it'll be stitch position. 3.6 If setting are ok, press Enter key or Right mouse button to exit this function.
Run ImagineElf3D functionStitch new or press Rhight mouse button in Perspective viewport to repeat the pervious command. 4.1 Selec panel in Perspective viewport to add stitch. 4.2Pick option , set At=Border, and press Esc key to next step. 4.3Set distance form to border = 1 4.4 Set option IsBorderAll=no , it means user can select each border to add stitch. 4.5 Select the border and press Enter key, it'll have white curve in inner that is new stitch position. 4.6The other borders setting refer to Step4.5. 4.7If selecting is ok, press Enter key or Right mouse button to main options of Stitch add , and then press Enter key or Right mouse button again to exit this function.
It can repeat Step4 or Step3 to add remainder panel's stitches..