There are many useful functions to desgin 3d sketch.
Run Rhino function Open(in the Rhino toolbar on the top of viewports), and open example 03_IE3D_ManShoe_ModifyBmp.3dm.
Run ImagineElf3D function Open(in the ImagineElf3D toolbar),
In the Front viewports, run ImagineElf3D function Sketch on eyeview to create 3d sketch. 3.1 Creating 1st, 2nd and 3th sketchs, the option define as following, KeepSide=Two, it means you just create sketch on the one side of 3d last and the sketch on the other side will be created automatically. the sketch on other side is proejction result. 3.2 Creating 4th and 5the sketchs, the optiondefine as following, KeepSide=One, it means the sketchs are only created on one side of 3d last. PassCen=Yes, it means when you create sketch, the control point pass throuth the center line of 3d last, the relust of this sketch will cross the center line of 3d last.
Run Rhino function 4View to the standard four-veiwport layout and move mouse close to Perspective, double click the left mouse button to
maximize Perspective viewport.
Run Rhino function Edit Layers to open Layers dialog box,
turn off ManShoe_Bmp layer to hide the Bmp object.
Run ImaingeElf3D function Sketch on last to draw the sketch for tongue and eyelet, use function Offset and Mirror to create new sketch, and use function Sketch modify to adjust sketch.
Run ImaingeElf3D function Sketch Blend to blends two 3d sketchs.
ImagineElf3D ManShoe-Sketch3D_01
magineElf3D ManShoe-Sketch3D_02
Note. In Rhino viewports,
The left mouse button selects objects and picks locations.
The right mouse button has serveral functions including panning and zooming, popping up a context-sensitive menu, and action the same as pressing the Enter key.
Use the left mouse button to select objects in model, commands or options on the menus, and buttons in the toolbars.
Use the right mouse button to complete a command, to move between stages of commands, and to repeat the pervious command.
The right mouse button is used to initiate commands from some toolbar buttons.
Drage with the right mouse button to pan and rotate in viewports.
Use the mouse wheel or hold down theCtrlkey and drag with the right mouse button to zoom in and out in a viewport. You muse press and hole the right mouse button down to active this feature.