Digital Evolution System


ImagineElf 3D





Adding accessory, logo...
  1. Run Rhino function Open (in the Rhino toolbar on the top of viewports), and open example 10_IE3D_ManShoe_Hole.3dm.

  2. Run ImagineElf3D function Open (in the ImagineElf3D toolbar) to enter into ImagineElf3D design environment.

  3. Move mouse to and double click lhe left mouse button to set standard four-veiwport layout .

  4. Move mouse to , double click the left mouse button to maximize Top viewport.

  5. Move mouse to Rhino function Box and hold down left mouse button to issue

  6. Pick Rhino function Torus to create eyelet buckle.

ImagineElf3D ManShoe-Accessory

6.1 According to prompt, input radius is 4 and the press Enter key.
6.2 It can drag mouse to define second radius in the Top viewport.
6.3 Creating eyelet buckle is finish.

  1. Run Rhion function Text Object .
    7.1 The following dialog box shows the setting, if setting is ok, press OK button to exit.

    7.2 According to prompt, define the position of the text object in the Top viewport to create text logo.

  2. Pick in the Top viewport.
    8.1 Pick Rhino function Object properties to issue dialog box Properties, Setting as following figure.

    8.2 The eyelet buckle doesn't display isocurve in the Top viewport.
    8.3 Pickin the Top viewport, property setting as ollowing figure and text logo result shows on right side.

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